
Humphry Slocombe lastly arrives within the South Bay (whats up, boozy ice cream)

Humphry Slocombe, known for both chef-driven flavors for adult palates and some wild ones (yes, those are goldfish crackers in that specialty recipe above), is branching out to the Peninsula. (Photo courtesy of Humphry Slocombe)

Fifteen years after its San Francisco founding, Humphry Slocombe ice cream has finally made its way to the South Bay.

On Wednesday, March 1, the cult favorite will start scooping its famous Secret Breakfast flavor — that’s vanilla with cornflakes and, shhhh, bourbon — along with Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee, Honey Graham and seasonal favorites in Campbell.

Billed as “chef-curated ice cream for adults,” the flavors spring from the creative mind of co-founder and chef Jake Godby. Among the company’s “rebellious” creations are Elvis the Fat Years, Peanut Butter Curry and Pepper & Mint Chip.

This shop at the Pruneyard — it’s the space vacated by Tin Pot Creamery, which is pivoting to grocery store sales — will be the first brick-and-mortar south of Redwood City and Oakland. However, pre-packed pints have been and still will be available at many Peninsula and South Bay markets, including Nob Hill Foods, Whole Foods and Safeway.

On Wednesday, from noon to 8 p.m., the shop will give out free scoops — with the suggestion that guests donate $1. Humphry Slocombe will present all proceeds to Project Open Hand, their ongoing charity partner.

For those wondering about the shop’s moniker, Godby and co-founder Sean Vahey named it after Mr. Humphries and Mrs. Slocombe, two of the characters from the British sitcom “Are You Being Served?” that ran in the U.K. in the 1970s and later in the United States.

Details: 1875 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell;

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