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Mayoral hopeful Safaí receives love — largely — on his residence turf

Mission Local is publishing campaign dispatches for each of the major contenders in the mayor’s race, alternating among candidates weekly until November. This week: Ahsha Safaí. Read earlier dispatches here.

It was classic summer San Francisco weather in the Excelsior on Sunday — gray and foggy with gusts of wind every so often. 

It may not be the ideal weather for campaigning, or any outdoor activities for that matter, but one could find traces of virtually every single important candidate at the Sunday Streets event on Mission Street. 

Volunteers held signs from major mayoral campaigns. District 11 supervisorial candidates set up their booths. Also making appearances were District Attorney candidate Ryan Khojasteh, Sheriff Paul Miyamoto for Sheriff and school board candidate Laurance Lee. 

Ahsha Safaí, the District 11 supervisor and mayoral candidate, moved among others competing for attention from residents walking down Mission Street between Avalon and Geneva streets with their bikes, strollers or dogs. 

In a navy jacket and white Adidas sneakers — a casual turn for the often suited-up supervisor and candidate — Safaí walked to the event from his house after dropping off his daughter at a two-week summer camp in the East Bay. 

A band performs on a street next to a building under construction, while two people dance in the foreground. Musical instruments include saxophone, drums, and keyboard.
A band plays at the Sunday Streets in the Excelsior on July 21, 2024. Photo by Junyao Yang.

Along the seven blocks of activities on Mission Street, it was convenient for Safaí to point out his achievements as District 11 supervisor. 

“This was a funeral home,” said Safaí, pointing to a newly sprouted housing complex next to the Safeway at France Avenue. 

“Originally it was proposed for about 90, 95 units, but we got it up to 130 units. Then we got a free health clinic at the bottom,” Safaí said. “I’m very, very proud of that.” 

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