SF voters favor Measure A, offering funding for homeless and psychological well being companies – The San Francisco Examiner

San Francisco voters are in favor of a $ 487.7 million loan to meet some of the city’s most pressing needs, including mental health facilities, shelter for the homeless, and upgrades to public parks. In the election results released early Wednesday morning, Proposal A results show that 233,931 voters (71.07 percent) are in favor and 95,215 (28.93 percent) are against the proposal.
Prop. A, the San Francisco Health and Recovery Bond, was helped by Mayor London Breed and the Board of Supervisors to raise $ 487.7 million in property taxes to provide housing for homelessness and mental health facilities, parks and Fund road works.
The bond is timed so that property owners do not experience any increase in taxes owed and 50 percent of the costs can be passed on to tenants.
When it was put on the ballot, Breed said the bond “comes at a critical time for our city.”
“COVID-19 has shown us the importance of having safe and accessible outdoor spaces and recreational opportunities, and has underscored the need to create more permanent supportive housing while improving our behavioral health resources,” she then said.
Two thirds of the votes are required for the loan.
Of the total loan amount, $ 207 million would be used for public facilities and housing for the homeless in need of help with mental health and substance use disorders.
About $ 239 million would be used for parks and open spaces, including $ 54 million for the renovation of Portsmouth Square in Chinatown, $ 30 million for the Gene Friend Recreation Center in SoMa, and $ 29 million for India Basin in Bayview for a waterfront park.
And $ 41.5 million would be used for road renewal and other repairs.
The bond would result in annual property tax costs of approximately $ 8.13 for a $ 600,000 home, according to City Controller’s analysis.
With interest on the general notes, the total cost is estimated at $ 960 million.
One paid argument against the loan came from retired Judge Quentin Kopp, a former manager and ethics commissioner, who said voters should “break the cycle of dependence on our hard-earned tax dollars.”
Bay Area NewsElection 2020HomelessnessPoliticssan Francisco News
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