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Tahanan supportive housing improvement brings 145 flats to San Francisco

A new modular supportive housing development is currently under construction in the central SOMA district of San Francisco.

Tahanan will offer 145 studio apartments (and a manager’s unit) with permanent housing and services for adults affected by homelessness. An in-situ concrete platform consists of public areas, a consulting suite, administration offices and retail space. The top five floors in timber frame construction consist of modular boxes, each containing two residential units and a corridor. The modules were created by Factory OS off-site.

The six-story building will be modularly built on a site in the central South of Market district and is part of the SOMA Filipina Cultural District, which was set up by the SF Board of Directors and the Planning Department to enhance the cultural diversity of the area with an emphasis on highlighting the culture and Contributions from the Filipinx American Community.

Tahanan facade

This culture is mentioned in the name and appearance of the building. Tahanan is a Tagalog word that evokes the idea of ​​”coming home” or “returning home” while the pattern is made in poured concrete using traditional hand-woven banig mats. In addition, a mega-graphic of the Philippine rice terraces is integrated into the outer metal skin.

This project is a combined company of Mercy Housing, Tipping Point Community and the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund and was developed in collaboration with SF’s Homelessness and Supportive Housing Department. The project has been under construction since October 2020 and is expected to be completed in August 2021.

Main entrance

The hold of unity

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